Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Making a House a Home

When people walk in to your home, do they know something about who you are, or does your home say more about its previous owner?

When you look around your house, do you feel relaxed, energized, or just on edge?

Some people live their lives in homes that hold their stuff, but never really feel like home. As the saying goes, "home is where the heart is", and this is true in a design sense as well. Your home and its design can have a significant impact on your overall well-being and state of mind. Ever notice how a cluttered, disorganized house can really set your nerves on end, making you feel unsettled or stressed out? It's not just the work piled up, the stack of bills to pay, or the toddler's toys scattered around waiting for your poor feet to fall victim to a spiky plastic dinosaur- there is a real energy to a space that can enhance your experience, or make you want to get out of the house.

Your home should be a true sanctuary- a cocoon where you can escape from the worries and stresses of the outside world, a place of rest and restoration where you can retire at the end of a busy day and rejuvenate yourself, ready to tackle what the future holds in store when you head out again tomorrow.

No time of year can bring this point home more than winter, where cold days and dreary weather can take its toll on the best of us. Ever experienced "cabin fever"? We begin to feel restless and ill at ease when we're cooped up in one space too long, and this effect can be exacerbated by an environment that is not designed with comfort or tranquility in mind.

So, how can your home be a haven instead of headache inducing? Attention to details and custom design are critical. A home is a very personal thing- you could take all your decorating tips from Better Homes and Gardens or your favorite HGTV show, but any old designer look won't do. Some styles and colors are better suited to some people than others.

Take cues from things that are personally meaningful to you- your favorite sweater, a special souvenir, colors and textures that resonate with you and make you feel comfortable and at ease. As a designer, I can appreciate lots of different design aesthetics, but in my own home, I choose elements that resonate with my individual personality (and my husband's) to create a space that feels like home to me. By taking some time to really note how different colors, patterns, textures, decor items and design elements make you feel, you can create a home that is truly "yours". No one wants to feel like they are living in someone else's home their entire life- just like staying with family for too long, living with the wrong design can really set nerves on edge.

If you are having trouble getting started, try this exercise:

Brainstorm words that come to mind when you think of "home"- for example: cozy, warm, family, memories.
Study the words that came to mind, and think about what significance they hold and how you can incorporate that into your design.

Now, think about how you define those words that came to mind- "cozy", "warm", "restful"- try to relate those concepts to concrete things like colors, textures, patterns, etc. What is "cozy"? Is it flannel sheets, a big soft sofa, plush carpets or hardwood floors?

Once you have created your concept of "home", you can begin to tie the elements together and plan your design to incorporate those special features that will make this home your home.

If you live in the Shenandoah Valley, VA and are looking for more design help, please give us a call to schedule an in-house design consultation: Modern Renovations, 540.421.6206. We are a full-service design and remodeling firm located in Harrisonburg, VA and we're happy to help you create the perfect kitchen, bathroom or living space in your home.


  1. شركة تنظيف خزانات بالاحساء

    تستخدم الخزانات للاحتفاظ بالمياة لاستخدامها فى أوقات متنوعة سواء فى أعمال التنظيف أو الطبخ أو الاستحمام وكذلك لري الأشجارر والحدائق، ويتم إعادة ملئها باستمرار حينما ينتهي مخزونها من الماء، إلا أن إعادة تعبئتها مرة تلو الأخرى دون تنظيف قد يتسبب فى تكون العديد من الفطريات والبكتريا، والتى ستؤدي للإصابة بالعديد من المشكلات الصحية لجميع أفراد الأسرة، قد تصل أضرارها إلى الإصابة بمرض الفشل الكلوي، وهو ما يمكن ألا يحدث إذا تم الإهتمام بتنظيف الخزانات بشكل مستمر، وهو ما تقدمه لك شركة تنظيف خزانات بالإحساء، حيث يمكنك التعاقد مع الشركة لتقوم بشكل دوري بفتح الخزانات وتنظيفها تماما والتخلص من أي فطريات أو شوائب موجودة بها
